The Art of Seeing

Ann Eleece Kouns
4 min readFeb 28, 2024


Seeing is Noticing

I have a special relationship to the act of “seeing.” Gifted with the ability to notice patterns and connections, often going beyond the obvious, I have translated the (un)intentional seeing of the mundane to noticing details, beauty, and stories where the obvious may not be readily apparent.

truth-tellers for seekers /aek (2023)

I oscillate between calling this the “Art of Seeing” and the “Art of Noticing;” at times, it is incredibly exhilarating, other times it’s exhausting, but it’s always an illuminative experience. As a data analyst, my work revolves around the analysis of raw data sets, telling a story that develops as I parcel through information presented to me in both words and numbers. This is both a skill and a gift that cannot be turned on and off with business hours.

It’s hard to say which came first, the gift or the skill — was I attracted to my line of work because of this gift or did the fact that I developed into this specific lane of my career further hone my analysis skills? Either way, it translates into my art, writing, and communication style.

Seeing hinges on the ability to express empathy in observation and in action— to look at something from another point of view, to consider other possibilities, and to construct a narrative apart from the first-person. There are times where it is beneficial to turn on and off empathetic analysis and to look at things objectively and succinctly, often we may refer to this exercise as establishing and respecting boundaries.

Gifts often come from unlikely places. St. Louis Cemetery #3: New Orleans, LA. /aek (2024)

Life As a Data Analyst

In my professional capacity, it is crucial that I look at information with a critical and discerning eye, allowing myself, as much as possible, to be objective and impartial. However, I am also tasked with developing next steps utilizing the trends identified and analyzed to establish, develop, and transform relationships. In other words, within a standard 7.5 hour day, I spend my professional time bouncing between thinking about things from a macro point of view to considering how to make this information actionable by a team and to further develop the data-driven narrative to inform outreach, engagement, and goal setting.

I find it fascinating, challenging, and kind of fun. It allows me to exercise my curiosity and gives my brain a constructive and healthful outlet in the identification and utilization of patterns; I use this seeing for good — I use this skill and gift to make marked changes in others’ lives and the communities they serve.

Life as Art

Data is all around us, it can be complicated or rudimentary but it exists in all corners of our lives and informs our experiences, decisions, and perception. As an analyst and a writer/artist, I find it beautiful to consider my role in precieving the world around me and helping others to see/notice their lives from a different viewpoint. This is realized through focus, color — or lack thereof, perspective, and subject. It also comes from pairing my visual and written work or to suggest a musical pairing that may elevate the experience of a given piece.

Life is your art. An open, aware heart is your camera. A oneness with your world is your film. Your bright eyes and easy smile is your museum.
— Ansel Adams

In my work, I challenge others to consider the hidden tales, considerations, and lessons that circle around us throughout our day. I love to consider the mundane, the beautiful, and the grotesque in visual and written ways — to be challenged by the stories and hidden meanings behind my experiences. From there, I hope to illuminate life lessons and inspirations in myself and those around me with the artful deployment of data.

Use my hands. St. Louis Cemetery #3: New Orleans, LA. /aek (2024)

This work is challenging work — it is good work — it’s work that changed my life in order to change others:

Take me by my hand so that I may
show you that overgrown but
glistening illuminated path.

Make use of my hands as to
clear the path so you may
walk clear of brambles and
upon even ground.

Have the courage,
when you feel ready,
to let go of my hand and
walk steadily and knowingly
on your own.

Inspired, extend your hand along
Life’s bends and turns to offer others
the Light,
the Love,
the Wisdom
that we gain through each step and
each grasp;
transforming ourselves
in Service and Love of others.


We walk in Love,
illuminated by the Light
among the sunflowers and wild dandelions —
we walk knowing that our gifts,
they are not ours to keep.

Take my hand.

— AEK/2024



Ann Eleece Kouns

Join me as I explore curiosity, personal growth, and mind-expanding considerations through the lens of art, literature, and cultural-philosophical analysis.