Tell Me You’re a Xennial Without Telling Me You’re a Xennial.

Ann Eleece Kouns
3 min readFeb 13, 2024


My generation was born in a mostly analog world but we grew up and matured in a digital space.

There is a yearning within me to return to some of the beautiful experiences of my youth — community planned punk shows, coffee shop dates with my crew, book clubs, writing for zines, trading mix tapes (later, CDs — and even later, streaming playlists), reading while sitting cross legged at an indie bookstore until my legs were numb, spending my pizza serving wages at the comic book store, playing board games/D&D, and thumbing through the bins at a record store.

I’ve been pondering lately, how do I get back to my roots?

I’ve found myself cutting out a huge portion of my online engagement as well my social media presence after becoming disillusioned by, and disenchanted with, the creepy algorithms, people, and predatory nature of mainstream social networking.

Oxford Pennant is a favorite small business of mine

Walking Away

I’ve completed a 2 week detox of all social media and have added back a few outlets that I will actually engage with and on.

I have no intention of engaging on the Big 3 platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok); this may be permanent, it may be temporary. I plan to refrain from having conversations, posting regular content, searching for content/connections, or otherwise becoming entangled in a centralized network that is not of my own doing or where I do not intimately control what, and who, is presented to me.

I’ve reduced my cell screen time to an average of 1.3 hours a day, down from an embarrassingly toxic level. Take no offense if I know you in my personal life, it was something that became painfully necessary after a talk with a spiritual advisor and after analyzing my personal, creative, and professional goals.

The Role of Big Tech

Can you truly escape from the grips of Big Tech?

Should you?
Also, no — these outlets have their place.

You can become a more intentional consumer and communicator with concentrated effort. There are different ways to be more deliberate and I hope through some of my pieces I can inspire you to find your mix — what works of you and your life’s goals.

But, the truth remains: the solutions developed by Big Tech for the purpose of communication and connection can actually kill relationships, support assumptions, cripple communication, influence thought/sleep/eating patterns, stifle creativity, and stimulate a whole myriad of additional negative byproducts.

They Might be Giants: I Should Be Allowed to Think — John Henry (1994)

Digital Scaffolding to Construct an Analog Experience

Instead, we should harness these centralized social outlets in calculated and controlled methods to fuel true connections, personal growth, community, and skill development. It can be done but it’s not easy; however, it’s proven in 2 short weeks to be transformative and worth it.I will explore this ongoing process and journey on this blog in hopes that these entries can serve as a primer for those who are considering the construction of their own digital scaffolding that supports healthful habits.

These insights will be peppered alongside my usual content, providing a dissenting opinion on social media and engagement — pointing to topics and concepts you may want to consider for your own detox or digital to analog (re)development/journey. The content on this blog will not provide updates on me, my family, friends, or my data analyst job, though there may be some references or inspirations.

Moving Forward

In lieu of traditional social media avenues, if you want to actively engage with me or my connections, I’ll be sharing some alternative modes that I’m cultivating and feeling safe and authentic in — including some of my favorite analog outlets.

Let’s find your balance while being curious together as we look at some awesome art, films, hobbies, and discuss how to be your most beautifully authentic self. Ready?

fist bump

YOUR JOY IS NEEDED IN THE WORLD: Defend New Orleans (DNO) always has the best sidewalk signs.



Ann Eleece Kouns

Join me as I explore curiosity, personal growth, and mind-expanding considerations through the lens of art, literature, and cultural-philosophical analysis.